this year's theme was Winner in God (Proverbs 16:3)

On the 9th of April, at 8am sharp, the rangers started to arrive at church. After a quick fall in and a short briefing about certain safety rules and the most important rule, which was to enjoy the camp, we all piled in to the commanders cars and drove of to our camp site, Tanjung Samudera Condo, Tanjung Kling.

Ah the sunny beaches greeted us upon arrival. First special program of the day was Crazy Golf by Cmdr Steven! There was all sorts of obstacles to enter the ball into the hole... one even had a water obstacle! Many of the rangers showed much determination in entering the ball with the least number of hits. Some showed much potential, perhaps a Tiger Woods in the making?

This was closely followed by lunch, pasta! Yummy yummy pasta...not sour pasta... (a joke shared in Melaka #1 only. Do ask anyone and you'll sure to find out ;) ) The rangers gobbled down the pasta, some even had 3 rounds of it. Makes you wonder where does all that food go to in that tiny little bodies of theirs.

The next session was indoors, origami was taught Cmdr Errol & Jessica. The kids and cmdrs were divided into groups and we folded all sorts of paper crats, crowns, pelicans, hats...last but not least... a very well flying plane! Here on out the kids were all wild...planes were flying EVERYWHERE!

The beach! Back outdoors, telematch time by the beach. Here the kids learnt teamwork. Win as a team and lose as a team. One game involved the kids putting on full snorkelling gear and run a distance. Boy was this hilarious! The children kept falling over/tripping trying to run with flippers on, however by the end of the game, most of them got the idea inorder to go fast, they had to walk like a penguin.

Finally, Swimming! The most anticipated event of the day. In the pool that is. Straits of Melaka isn't as welcoming as say an island somewhere, so we went to the condo's pool. The children were eyeing this activity the entire day. Here they were given piggy back rides and.. got thrown in the pool. Yes, they seem to enjoy getting picked up by the cmdrs, one two three...*throw into pool*. They also had mini games like water polo and such.

The next event is I believe what Melaka #1 is known for. AWESOME BARBEQUES! Yea, fire lit nicely by Cmdr Ivan/Errol, and well marinated chicken wings by Cmdr Errol/Jessica were grilled, along with hotdogs (total of 140 hotdogs were consumed for this camp), fishballs, tau kees, and steamed corn. Olalala~

Well whats a camp without a camp fire right? The next session was camp fire and a sharing by Cmdr Ivan by the beach. Here,Cmdr Ivan shared about how important it is to never give up, no matter how hard the situation may look. He used examples of the day such as the telematches and such to illustrate how we should remain strong and finish the race.

After a good sharing by Cmdr Ivan it was back to the room to call it a night..but before that supper! Waffles....yea... spreaded nice and thick with Nutella and peanut butter. Mmm...

Next morning was basically rise and shine, a quick short devotion by Cmdr Stephen and the prize givin ceremony to all the kids. Best camper was awarded to Sean for not giving up! The other 2 runner ups were Joel and Caleb
Overall the camp was a HUGE success all thanks to GOD! No matter how much planning/effort we put in nothing will go right unless all glory and thanks goes to HIM. It was great to see the smiling kids faces after the camp. Also great was their parents thanking each commander! So on behalf of everyone at RR Melaka #1 we would want to thank everyone, children , parents and everyone involved to make this camp a success!

See you at RK slumber night 2012!