Monday, May 11, 2009


Some photos from last months cookin activity. was very busy till forgot to post em.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day 09

Here's to all mothers.. a very blessed mother's day!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Day 09

As tradition follows May the 1st was CLA's Family Day. Every ministry were suppose to set up a stall. The adults cell did the food stalls while other ministries did fun activities. For Royal Rangers we were in charge of gettin one game stall up and runnin. We had two games; styro-fishing and one-in-hole. Both games were a huge success. Here are some pics ...
Our sign boards SPECIALLY done by no other then C.Ivan...(Thts suppose to be him in the boat fishin)
Yours truly =)
One in hole

game stall back (right)
game stall back (left)game stall front(left)
game stall front(right)
styro- fishin